Do you want to make money online? Reall money? If you do, read this article until the end! To earn money online is not very complicated but you still have to do tasks. Now let’s look at five serious sites that pay you to complete online opinion polls.
It is perhaps the best known. After you have collected the minimum amount of 5 euros you can withdraw the money. They are usually taken into account in about half an hour. Register by clicking HERE on Mobrog.
It is important that even if you do not qualify for one or two surveys, you try the following. This is true for all the sites I’m talking about in this article. Also, you have to keep working, even if the amount you earn is small, continue until you make the minimum withdrawal amount.
#2 Marketagent
Marketagent is an opinion poll site that really pays you to respond to opinion polls. It’s tested, I used it, and it even makes the payment in my PayPal account. The minimum amount you can withdraw on a single withdrawal is EUR 10 EUR and the maximum amount is EUR 50. Withdrawals are made from the site panel and arrive in your PayPal account in about a week.
Of course, you can make several withdrawals of EUR 10 or 50 each, depending on how many surveys you have completed and how many points you have accumulated in your account. One thousand points is the equivalent of 10 EUR.
Pay per survey is between EUR 0.30 and EUR 1.20. It may not be a very large sum, but over time it accumulates. And if you work on several sites like this, you might end up with an amount that would really suit you.
What is important about Marketagent and other sites like this is that you need to keep filling out surveys until you make the withdrawal amount. Even if you may receive a weekly survey sometimes or even if you do not qualify for one, keep trying to answer. And don’t give up until you collect the withdrawal amount.
You will see that the satisfaction is great when the money goes into your PayPal account. And that’s because it’s an easy job (answering surveys) and you can do it in front of your laptop, from home, or on the phone while you’re waiting for transportation. So you can work from anywhere and capitalize on your free time, which you would otherwise have wasted.
So register HERE for free on Marketagent and start earning money online.
#3 Surveytime
This site pays you within 2 minutes after completing the survey. All you have to do is have a PayPal account and complete the Surveytime surveys. The cool part is that Surveytime polls come often. I know I’ve talked about paid opinion polls before, but I wanted to talk separately about this site because it pays very quickly and polls come often. The payment is also on average higher compared to other sites. Register HERE on Surveytime.