You truly can learn something from financial books. You learn how to start a business, you learn that you can start from the bottom, even with debt, even borrowing to open a business.
From financial books you learn how to distribute money and in what amounts to different categories of expenses. One of them is learning and reading books. I learned this from the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, which you can find HERE on eMAG.
From financial books you learn how to persevere, how to save to grow, and that money is not a bad thing. You learn from financial education books that the saying: money does not bring happiness is false.
If I were to recommend one or more financial education books to you, I would first recommend The Richest Man in Babylon. If you work in sales, I recommend the book The Most Famous Salesman in the World.
And remember, it’s never too late to educate yourself, it’s never too late to amass a fortune, big or small, that’s all yours. Here are some financial book recommendations:
The most famous seller in the world
The richest man in Babylon
Secrets of the millionaire mind
Rich dad, poor dad