Online work is not hard once you get it on track. That is, after you have started an online job. Naturally, as in any job there are hardships and difficulties, you get over it.
In the beginning money comes hard and very hard. Gradually, however, from 5 EUR per month you can reach earnings of 10,000 EUR per month.
What you have to do is stick to the job. This is more difficult. The work itself is not hard. For example on this blog it is written. What is hard about writing? You have to tap the keys. So it’s not difficult. What’s hard is to compose, to be as original as possible, because you can’t just steal articles.
Another hard part, especially in the beginning, is to write in as direct a style as possible, so that your message is perceived correctly. It also depends on what niche you write. Here it is written about remotejobs, about online money, about how to make money, mainly in front of a laptop or a smartphone.
Is this possible, do I know a friend who did it? 🙂
how do you do You need a phone, a laptop, an internet connection. You need free time, not to be disturbed, and to be able to concentrate. Not so quiet as to be able to concentrate as well as possible on what you are doing, on writing, on programming, or on what you have to do.
As I said, from the blog, in the first two or three years no money comes out, so you do it voluntarily, for free. After you have increased the number of visitors, you can slip in one more product or service, but be careful, that you do not only gain from what you do, that it also benefits the person who uses the product or service that you recommend