How to make money online

It is not difficult to make an income online. But you have to be patient until the money for your work comes. Your work meaning writing, graphic design, programming, website maintenance, admin work, and what’s most beautiful is that some sites that pay you for your work don’t even require any knowledge, except to use a phone, or laptop.

Mobrog is the site I started earning my first online income with. Then, with time, other opportunities arose. Indeed, it is stressful on the eyes. Keeping your eyes on one point for a long time, or praying, in a phone or laptop monitor, is not really easy, although it seems. But nothing can come for free.

The easiest way to make money online is by answering opinion polls, at these that I told you to sign up for. Not to others that may be scams. I say because they are tested and for this reason I recommend them. I mean they pay, they are not spikes, as some classics in life would say.

The article with the sites we recommend to be able to earn online are these on this link in blue. Read all these articles, and sign up there. If you don’t know how, ask me to help you using the contact section, by HERE. Or through a comment.

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