You can make money selling books. It is not necessary to have your stock of physical books, you can sell books from other sites through affiliate marketing, Amazon.
It is said that the rich, or those who became rich, read a lot, sometimes entire libraries. Currently reading a lot. Many people started reading books in different fields. Some read financial education, some personal development, some self-help, and some simple fiction.
To sell a book, you have to give it a good review, it would be advisable to tell something about the book in this review or make a summary of it.
You can sell books by starting a book blog. The blog can be in Romanian or English. There you can promote the books you think are worth promoting.
First of all, you have to read the book in question, to understand it and be able to talk about it. If you think that book can help the reader of your blog, in one way or another, then you talk about that book and give them a link where they can go and buy that book.
That way you will have mentioned the book, and your blog reader will have read a few words about the book and will see if it suits him or not, then if he decides to buy the book, he will buy it. You will earn from the commission obtained from the sale of books; thus, your work will be rewarded for having reviewed that book, and for having helped the reader of your blog to know whether it is worth buying or not.
They say books are people’s best friends, it’s the one friend that will never betray you no matter the situation.
You learn a lot from books, especially if you are writing. Some books can be helpful, they can give you moments of intellectual delight, they can give you lessons, they can help you develop your vocabulary, and you can derive other benefits from them. Some books are real treasures.
You can still make money from books by opening an online or physical antique shop. This requires building a book collection or already having one.
Read different books, on different topics, whether they are in English or Romanian, and promote them and that’s how you start making money. For this, you must have opened an account on an Affiliate Marketing platform, open an Amazon and start promoting books. You can also do it on a social network like Twitter or Facebook.
As long as you think the book is worth reading, read it, and if you would like others to read it, share the same joy, or benefit from it, then promote it, and you will both you and the person who buys the book will win.
Selling books online is not exactly a new thing. Jeff Bezos, the former owner of Amazon, managed to make an impressive fortune and be the richest man in the world starting with the sale of electronic and physical books.