How to save electricity for a healthy budget

It is clear to everyone, I think, that electricity has become more and more expensive and sometimes, for some, it can become a problem for the budget.

The beautiful part is that you can save money, and you can cut off somewhere around 25 percent of the expenses for electricity, not affecting you in any way, from what you were doing before. How do you do:

#1 Turn off the light after you

There was a rule when I was in the army, the last one turns off the light. The light once you leave the room must be turned off. It often happens that you leave it on in the bathroom, through closets, in hallways, bedrooms, or other rooms, you find it like that, ignore it, and leave it like that. And it can stay like that for days.

Those costs! Especially if the lamps that emit light also consume a lot, they burn your money while you look at how wonderfully it stayed lit in your absence while you were at work, or even on vacation.

#2 Do not leave any type of charger plugged in if it is not charging anything

Even if it’s not charging anything, your phone, tablet, or laptop charger is consuming electricity. That’s a basic rule of electricity. If you also have other family members who leave their chargers plugged in while they are not charging, there is also a consumption that cannot be ignored, and it will show up on the bill as extra Watts.

#3 Schedule the TV to turn off

I recently found out that some people sleep with the TV on. It simply falls asleep and consumes electricity like that in ignorance, without anyone looking at it. That big screen is as large as the wall consumes. And he consumes even if you are not looking at him.

#4 Adjust the washing machine accordingly

Sometimes with the washing machine, you can adjust the program in such a way that it washes the clothes in as short periods as possible, for example, 30 minutes instead of 2 hours. And believe me, there is not much difference, and for many clothes, it is not noticeable, in the sense that it does not damage softer clothes. The washing machine consumes a lot. So do something.

#5 Other devices in pregnancy

Almost everything that is plugged in and not in use consumes. Whether it’s a phone charger or a TV on standby, they consume less than they would in operation, but once they’re plugged in: they consume! A useful article about saving is HERE.

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