Well, you can make money doing nothing. That presupposes having done something first though. To have accumulated a minimum of sources of passive income. Passive income comes from a previous activity.
We make an analogy with a well, a well or a spring. You must first look for it, dig it, install pipes, then the water will come for free and you can drink from it.
The same is true with passive income. They come from previous activities. They are your sources of money, like sources of water. With them you earn money while doing something else, whether you’re sleeping.
You can do whatever you want with the money, including investing. Investing the money you have to do something. You have to be interested in that investment, and have some intuition. Don’t be scared, it’s not hard. And in time you will be able to.
What does investment really mean? Investment means, for example, when you put part of the money back into the business. For example, if you are a seller, if you sell objects, with a part of the income, which can be for example 50%, you will buy other objects to sell, of the same kind.
Thus the income increases. By increasing you will have other money to invest with which you can do more. With more you can do much more and so on. We are talking about passive income here though. Passive income is the result of previous work, either yours or other predecessors to whom you are entitled.