A memory that is not put to work is altered, that’s what my father used to say, it gets creamed. So put your mind to work. Read on. Do your lessons with children. Never think you know everything. Because it’s the other way around, you don’t know anything.
How do I read, and do I really like it? Then if this is what I live for I must read. I didn’t have reading lists, I made them myself.
Cătălin said on his blog that he got a bit out of the habit and doesn’t read anymore. It’s not hard to focus. You start with a few paragraphs. With the first letter. Then you read one word, then two, then a sentence. At least 15 minds a day read like you do sports.
Read financial books to learn how to manage your money, read educational books, biographies about how people lived in the past. Read what you want. Even Eminescu. He has many wise non-poetic writings. There are many books that you don’t have to spend money on, because there are many sites on the net where you can subscribe cheaply, for about the price of one book/month, you can find thousands of books of all kinds.