I used sometimes to love to write, in English and Romanian both. I still have that joy sometimes. I can create worlds using words.
I wrote a novel. It was fun. Nobody read it. Anyway I think so. May be some of my readers read a few chapters from it. For the moment is available just in Romanian language.
I used to creat poetry. It was more fun than create novel. I felt the sentiments that came across the way and put them on words.
I still enjoy to write. Sometimes I do it for fun. Often I do it like a job. But I’m producing ideas I’m telling to my self when I see I do not have succes with my writing.
I have a few readers that comments o my blog posts sometimes. I feel empty right now and is not a depression. Some of my near people makes me empty. But it is just for the moment. In a few days I will be back full of energy like I use to be, even I face dead.
I love you all! Peace!