Stupidity is a sin and you have to be smart

Stupidity is a big sin. Adam was fooled by his woman and ended up in hell. For this reason, whatever you do, whether you are a writer, programmer or designer, or any other job or occupation you have, it is a shame to be stupid. It’s wrong not to do it right.

So if you’ve started any business, if you have a job, do it right! Get interested in it, read as much as you can about it, learn it, practice it as much as you can, even find a mentor, but do it right and well.

Of course, you have a lifetime to learn. There are always new challenges, there are always new things that you have to learn, that you bump into, that you need, but it’s good to assimilate the knowledge and put it into practice.

Through your job, seek to help and earn your due, your living and maybe something extra. Jobs are gems. They always bring you money. And for this reason you have to do what you do well, to document yourself.

Stupidity is a sin not only when dealing with people, stupidity is a sin in everything you do. You don’t have to be stupid, whatever you do, whether it’s a job or you face other situations. Seek to be wise!

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