Not everyone is the same and not everyone can be what we want them to be. I have a clearer picture lately… the world is better; we are better with each other. It is something that if you pay attention and look at the people around you will find it.
Whether even out of complacency, people willy-nilly are more empathetic, more solidary, whether they are of the same nation or of different nations. It can also be the hardship we are going through. Maybe because of wars, epidemics, maybe also because of the internet. We can meet each other anytime, even if we are at the end of the world. And then we all got a kind of fraternization.
It’s a subtle thing, a detail that few see in general human behavior. I think it’s not just a reflection of who I am, because we generally tend to see in people what we are ourselves. Not. It’s something real. I noticed this thing as a voyeur as well, not just as a direct participant in public meetings between people.
what becomes a lack, however, is the loss of common consciousness. We are present, that’s right. We are present, we are there, but too present, too there, forgetting why it is around, why it is 100 meters away from us, the brother from thousands of kilometers or the cousin or the summer that is at work. That’s what I called it, common consciousness. Right was common consciousness. Because we are no longer aware. Forgive my mistake!
When it comes to common consciousness, we seem to have it. We care. We started to care. By the other, by us. It’s not too late, it’s never too late. I am writing this post as a eulogy for a loved one. I don’t say his name. We became friends of pain. It used to be about comfort. Now it’s not about comfort anymore. Comfort actually means death, in my opinion.
At school, we all learned in psychology that there are three types of characters, sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, and there was one more…I can’t remember…And of course combinations of these. You are born with them. I wouldn’t say in my opinion that they actually exist. People have different humors and behave differently in different places to different people with different attitudes.
In front of an icon, most believers behave the same way. How could it be…when you are next to a man you behave the same way, a co-worker for example…but when you get home to your children and wife you enter a different trance, you no longer behave like you do with customers (if you are a seller) or co-workers , or at least it shouldn’t. If you’re a policeman, you won’t treat your wife like you treat criminals. But sometimes you can do it… professional defect, they say.
It’s a real survival world, a jungle. Escape as you can!
We’ve all become a bit introspective. We look more towards the past and ourselves, maybe because of the general slowness. Are we doing this wrong?…we as mankind, I just ask…? Basically, it doesn’t matter what nation we are, how much money we have, we all have hearing, sight, smell, touch, and we all get hurt if we hit each other with a hammer. Okay…maybe some are deprived of a sense or two, either by accident or birth. Some, however, are deprived of even common sense.
I used to think I could change people. Yes, I thought I could change them. In my naivety that characterizes me, I still believe. Like Don Quixote who fought the mills, he believed he was doing great deeds, he was a nobleman with a noble purpose. He was a hero, and he had someone to help him, a servant, Sancio. But the reality is that people can’t really be changed in their infancy. Out of complacency it changes temporarily. But they remain the same. And that is the charm of diversity.
Sometimes I sat and thought…are people bad or are they made to be bad? Because, being a child, someone, either your parents or society, shapes you, and then where is their fault, and why would the sculptor blame the statue that it is ugly when he himself carved it?