There are many ways to make money online. With some you can make money faster, others require patience. Let’s take an example. Opinion polls are a quick way to make money. Most of them are safe.
With others you can make more money but they are more difficult, it requires a lot of patience, such as growing an account on a social network. Everything is good and choose there what suits you and what you like best.
Method 1
Opinion polls
If you want to make some pocket money, or money to invest, you can start filling out opinion polls. It is an easy way to make money and does not require special knowledge but only a laptop or a mobile phone.
Method 2
Some applications may pay you if you use them.
Method 3
You can make a lot of money from photos by posting professional pictures on sites that pay you a commission for every sale. If your photos are not accepted on professional sites and you are still a beginner, you can post on sites where you receive donations from users who download them.
Method 4
It is a newer and riskier method. But it is possible. Many have made money with cryptocurrencies and NFTS. However, you must document yourself before taking this step, in order to be aware of the cause.
Method 5
The social networks
Yes. You can make money with social networks. If you are ashamed to expose yourself with videos or if you are not telegenic, use those social networks that allow the publication of only written posts. You make money by increasing the number of subscribers on any of these social networks and then you can promote a product that you believe in or you can even create a product that the market needs and promote it through social networks.