When you have no one to help you

When you have no one to help you, to say you at least a kind word, to at least support you morally, not financially, don’t despair, don’t fall into disappointment. Stand up and fight.

It’s worth seeing another sunrise, it’s worth showing another smile, or watching another smile displayed by someone else, be it a woman or a man.

You know that your family sometimes is only there for the good. When it is hard sticks with you and leaves you. I tried to be there for you when you had no one left to support you. I gave you money when no one else would.

And most importantly I gave you my shoulder, to cry on, to lean on. I gave you my power, but you used it to pick up a handful of sand from below and throw it in my eyes.

You used the weapon I gave you by turning it against me because you’re stupid. Because if I told to jump into a well, you do.

When you have no one to help you fight alone. Although, that’s my way, I’ll always be close to you, because I can’t be otherwise. I tried not to empathize, not to care, and I couldn’t. I just care about people. Is it my fault if I wish people well?

Don’t despair no matter what. Believe in Divinity if you have no one by your side. Fight!

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